is it bad?

So… Hello and Assalamualaikum wbt!

            It been awhile since I last posted a post here. How are you people? I’m still surviving for my Semester 4. Wuho, it is my second last semester. Trust me. It really hard. But I believe, at the end I will managed to finish this with flying colors. Well yeah. Since for the last 4 week of lecture, I am finally on track. Phew. Alhamdullilah. For the past 10 weeks, I don’t even know what have I done but better late than never right? Next week will be Week 12. There will be test and quizzes definitely and all lecturer busy to finish their syllabus.

            What have I done with this semester? Not 100% done yet, but I’m currently doing a database system, and java mini project. I just finished my Entreprenuership Project, which is selling food. My class did very well and achieved profit of 1k! Can you imagined we managed to clinch this by only 3 days of business. Then we surrendered! It is so tiring where we need to juggle with the classes as well as to prepare the food to sell. The outcome was great and if one fine day I ended up to be in business, then I already know how tiring it will be. Because of this subject, my bonding towards my new classmate getting better. Some of them are really good in cooking especially Lisa and Nad.

            I am right now inside the bus on the way back home, Kuala Lumpur. My bus should be on 7.30am, but I’m late so the bus left me. Luckily when I walked-in the counter just now there is 1 ticket left for me. So grateful because it is a long holiday. Not so long but, if you managed to go back home then it is long enough. I’m sitting at the back of the bus, besides a man. Well nothing interesting. But so far, I’m so grateful the weeks passed I have done everything at my best.

            I just wanted to share some of thoughts of being an imperfect human. I do have the feeling on seeing people have more than what I have. Well, I have that attitude that whatever people have, I gonna have it. Whatever people achieve, I gonna achieve it. Sometimes, this things is good but sometimes it is not. I was born perfectly cute when I was young, and I wonder why I’m not right now. I have been really thoughtful for this but ended up being myself. Pretty is something subjective and it depends on people who judge it. Here my confession. My friend of mine told me this..... 
1 refer to her/him while 2 refer to me. I was in the toilet that time and ended up with this conversation.

1 : Weh Nadh, macam mana kau boleh dengan dia?

2 : Kenapa doh. Cinta monyet mungkin...
1 : Taklah. Dia good looking tapi kau
2 : *Screwed up in the toilet*

Well it really began here. How do I response with this kind of situation? People have feelings. No matter how harsh he/she talked or react on something. When you jump into something that he/she does not expect at all. How would they respond? I ended up google-ed this " feel demotivated because people call me ugly " Nah sounds really weird but who cares. If the people who say to me this, I ended up to write up because this is the place I express what I cannot say to others. I started to really understand what my friends felt for the past 3 years. My friend and my housemate for 4 semester ended up to stop eating rice just because of people called her " gemuk " People keep calling me that till today but I never care. But this issue, I take it seriously. Haha.

The results after I google-ed the topic are :

1. First and most important step is to accept the way you are RIGHT NOW. So you are fat and you are ugly -- fine! That's how you are. There's nothing wrong with that, and anyone who has a problem with that just has a problem -- don't make their problem your problem. Once you have accepted yourself as you are, then you can calmly and lovingly choose your course of action. Do you like being fat? Yes? Then your main goal is to love yourself the way you are and to stop generating self-hatred based on our culture's definition of physical beauty. If you don't like being fat, then do something about it. Exercise. Eat healthy. Only you can make the change you desire. 

- Peace, Devin

2. Learn that your outer appearance has nothing to do with your inner self and does not define your worth as a person. Most people change pretty drastically throughout their lives appearance wise. Regardless, you shouldn't worry too much on the things you can't control. It is not your fault you were born a certain way. The first step that I think would be helpful is to treat yourself as if you were your own kid. Sometimes you just have to nurture and love yourself. And if you are concerned with your weight, remember, you appearance is temporary and it is very possible to change. If you feel as if your weight is unhealthy then find healthier diet options (and I mean healthy!). Sometimes just cutting a little this and a little that out of your diet can make a world of difference, such as junk food a sugary drinks. If you find yourself ugly, well, you can't change how you were born. I don't believe that you were born thinking you were ugly. I bet that others have made you think that you aren't good enough. And in the end the only person who can determine that is you. Maybe switch up your style, get a haircut, dye your hair. It never hurts to play with your looks and find what you like :) 

- Moonlit Haze

             So i ended up to choose alternatives that I have. Whether going to see dermatologist frequently to do monthly check up. Doing laser on my permanent scars. Follow some diet? Maybe. I have talked this issue with my mom and her respond just " people will say anything about you, but the only people who sees the beauty is someone really know the meaning of beauty " I started to read Iman Azman's post and reading her respond towards people who keep on judging her. Tanned is good okay. Good for health. Do some research people. Iman is Vivy's ex-assistant okay. I won't write about her so you guys should read about her.The advice I needed to hear is from my loved ones. This people who know my journey in and out. I feel really shy to see this people again just because of my insecurities. I do really hoped that this kind of comment will give me some good impact soon. 

May all is well for other people. I would like to thanked people who personally whatsapp-ed me right after I told them this issues. I am very grateful to have someone who very supportive in everything, and to admonish me when I am wrong. Thank you. Hugs, Nadhkan. 

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